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Sanofi's experience with mechanistic modeling and Ypso-Ionic

Mechanistic models offer a robust alternative to traditional statistical methods because they require fewer experimental data and provide superior predictive capabilities, even outside of the conditions studied experimentally. We have implemented...
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[French] Podcast : Optimisation des procédés pharmaceutiques

Par Good Manufacturing Podcast - Le podcast qui extrait les bonnes idées de l'industrie pharmaceutique
Notre podcast enregistré lors du Congrès Performance Environnementale de POLEPHARMA est maintenant disponible ! Dans cet épisode, Edouard Nicoud , Customer Success Manager à Ypso-Facto et Paul-Adrien Mathon échangent à propos de nos...
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Predicting the impact of buffer type and pH : Application to protein purification by IEX

 Challenge The challenge was inspired by the experimental data reported in Pabst et al. J. Chrom. A (2008) 1181, 83-94. A poor separation between two proteins, Serum Albumin (SA) and Serum Transferrin (ST), was observed (Fig. 1). The separation...
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Mechanistic modeling can help switch from batch to continuous: Myth or Fact?

Fact Once model parameters have been determined with a single column system , they can be used to perform simulations of multicolumn chromatography (MCC) with any number of columns. Calculating key performance indicators (KPIs) for both single...
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Mechanistic modeling can help secure scale-up: Myth or Fact?

Fact Unlike statistical models which are based on correlations and are only valid for their calibration data set, mechanistic model parameters have an actual physical meaning and can be applied to different process setups and process scales. ...
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Reduced experimental work by 4 compared to DoE for an oligonucleotide ion exchange process

Customer Success Story from GSK
" GSK Engaged Ypso-Facto’s expertise, their Ypso-Ionic software and GPX approach to develop a mechanistic model of a complex ion-exchange purification process.    Compared with the classical statistical DoE approach, only 25% of the experimental...
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Mechanistic modeling is complex: Myth or Fact?

Myth The underlying equations that represent physical phenomena are necessarily complex, but using mechanistic models to gain process understanding doesn’t have to be. You don’t need to be a computerprogrammer or simulation expert with years...
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Mechanistic modeling requires many experiments: Myth or Fact?

Myth A customer told us recently that  mechanistic modeling required only 25% of the experimental work required for a classical statistical DoE approach  and they also achieved much more, including  deep process understanding. The number of experiments...
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Mechanistic modeling completely replaces experiments: Myth or Fact?

Myth…for now A mechanistic model relies on first principles based on physico-chemical phenomena and requires estimating a number of model parameters specific to the case under investigation. The evaluation of model parameters is typically done...
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Doubled productivity of a multi-column ion exchange chromatographic process with increased purity

Customer Success Story from Aker BioMarine
About the optimization of a multi-column Ion Exchange system :   « In combination with AKBM “user-knowledge” and intuition, Ypso-Facto used experimental laboratory- and production-data and made simulation-models with the software...
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Three Benefits of Mechanistic Modeling For Chromatographic Process Development

Optimizing chromatographic processes can be achieved by employing mechanistic modeling, with the following benefits: Increase Process Understanding Get to the core of chromatography with mechanistic modeling. The combination of well targeted experiments...
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Modeling: Mechanistic or Statistical ? Part 2 : Making a choice

Interested by knowing the differences between statistical and mechanistic approach?   Click here to access part 1 of the article "Modeling : Mechanistic vs Statistical ? Part 1 :  Modeling expectations"   All modeling approaches...
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Modeling: Mechanistic or Statistical ? Part 1 : Modeling expectations

Digital tools are used for well-known applications in our everyday life: energy production, navigation, drugs development, weather prediction, diseases detection. They are useful because they allow predicting: weather, illness, position and direction...
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How to easily extract relevant information and KPIs from your experimental data ?

Maximize the value of your experimental data with Ypso-Ionic®
Your data is one of your most valuable resources. But without a tool to exploit them in a structured way, you miss information that allow you to improve efficiency, increase productivity or decrease the experimental work burden.  This is why we...
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Ensure reliable tech transfer thanks to comprehensive and structured data

Maximize the value of your experimental data with Ypso-Ionic®
Ypso-ionic® is a software solution for designing chromatographic processes . Compared to a classical ELN, Ypso-Ionic allows to describe, store and share your experimental data in a standardized, contextualized and rational manner across all...
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Maximize the value of your experimental data... what does it mean ? 

Ypso-Ionic is a collaborative software for designing chromatographic process, but not only! It is an innovative solution for data management and reliable tech transfer.  Hence, you can : easily compare different batches to check consistency...
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Feedback from Bioproduction conference

End of September, we attended the 7 th edition of conference Bioproduction organized by MabDesign , in Lyon . The focus this year was on the development and bioproduction of therapeutics drugs such as mAbs . There were several presentations both...
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Interviewing experts on DSP intensification

Process intensification allows biomanufacturers to produce more product, often more quickly, using fewer raw materials and smaller equipment in less space. While there has been much focus on upstream process intensification, this approach can have significant...
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Roundtable : What do you consider the biggest challenge that the pharma/biopharma industry currently faces?

By Lucrèce Nicoud, Ph.D., Head of Innovation at Ypso-Facto in Q2 2022 issue of Pharma's Almanac
In this roundtable from the new Q2 2022 issue of Pharma's Almanac , a distinguished panel of industry experts discusses the biggest challenge currently faced by the pharma/biopharma industry. The panel represents a diverse range of companies, including...
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The history of Novasep through the eyes of its founder Roger-Marc Nicoud

In this exclusive document, Roger-Marc Nicoud returns to the saga of Novasep, a group he founded in 1996 but in which he no longer plays any part. In April 2022, following its purchase by investment company Bridgepoint (financial shareholder...
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Ypso-Ionic® - what our users say!

"This tool makes it easy to calculate the distribution of eluates… when preparing a buffer, it makes it possible to calculate the pH in advance and check for errors."
Ypso-Ionic® is a software solution for designing chromatographic processes.  It maximizes the value of experimental data and makes predictive simulation a game changer. But the best people to talk about it... are our customers! Check out the...
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Article : Digital tools support rational catalytic process development and evaluation

Panel Discussion on catalysis in Chemistry Today
By Kilian Kobl - Project Manager at Ypso-Facto Progress in catalysis has enabled major breakthroughs in domains as various as agriculture, health and daily life, to only cite a few. Although new approaches of studying and developing catalytic processes...
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6 facts you didn’t know about Ypso-Facto

YPSO means Your Process Secured and Optimized … And it’s a fact!
How great would it be to have a way to check if your chemical and bioprocess is optimized, safe, green and efficient? Well, that’s what we do for you at Ypso-Facto ! Ypso-Facto means  Y our P rocess S ecured and O ptimized …And...
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Article : Digital tools unleash the full potential of oligonucleotide production

Panel Discussion on oligonucleotides in Chemistry Today
By Kilian Kobl - Project Manager at Ypso-Facto Current oligo manufacturing processes are still somewhat larger scale versions of the initial processes conceived in the lab. Oftentimes, during development of an API, the choice of speed had to be...
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Article : Intensifying Downstream Processes

Cynthia A. Challener - BioPharm International, April 2022 Issue
The need to increase efficiency and productivity is driving adoption. The biopharmaceutical industry is faced with the challenge of increasing efficiency and productivity to get needed medicines to patients more quickly and cost-effectively. Greater...
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Interview : Sans un effort sur les procédés, notre industrie sera condamnée (French)

Interview de Roger-Marc Nicoud par L'Usine Nouvelle - InfoChimie
Courant 2022, Ypso-Facto va lancer une première version de sa suite logicielle Ypso-Proxima. Conçue selon une approche métier, elle a pour objectif d'aider les acteurs de la chimie fine et de la biotech à développer des procédés plus optimisés...
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Interview : “Un besoin urgent de révolutionner la bioproduction”

Congrès France Bioproduction 2022
Président d’Ypso-Facto, Roger-Marc Nicoud travaille depuis sept ans, avec son équipe de 25 personnes à Nancy, à la mise au point de nouveaux outils de développement et de pilotage des procédés industriels. Une expérience qu’il a notamment...
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How to prepare your buffers in two clicks ?

Ypso-Ionic, the software solution for designing chromatographic processes
        Did you know that ...   In addition to maximizes the value of experimental data and makes predictive simulation a game changer , Ypso-Ionic software can help you prepare your buffers in two clicks ! Select...
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Maximize the value of your data and embrace the power of mechanistic simulation

Tired of working with Excel spreadsheets? With multiple and complex software tools limiting your efficiency? What if you could have a single solution to capture your data and run predictive simulation? We have good news for you:  Ypso-Ionic ,...
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Does pH matter in your separation process? 

  Do you work with mineral ions? With organic buffers? With proteins, peptides, or oligonucleotides whose retention behaviour is dramatically impacted by their charge?    Ypso-Ionic® is a software solution for ...
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NEW ARTICLE – Fareva and Ypso-Facto investigate the purification of an antibiotic by ion-exchange

Using Mechanistic Modeling for Understanding Antibiotics Purification with Ion Exchange Chromatography
This article is based on a real industrial purification process by Fareva and highlights the power of mechanistic modeling for process development: Our client needed to change a raw material to secure his supply chain. From a process point of...
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Indépendance sanitaire : La tribune de Roger-Marc Nicoud (French)

“ Retrouver l’indépendance pour la production d’API : une chance pour les CDMO européennes ? "
La crise actuelle rappelle à l’Europe (et sans doute à l’Amérique du Nord) les limites de la délocalisation de la production. C’est le cas pour de nombreux produits, incluant bon nombre d’ingrédients pharmaceutiques actifs (API) et de médicaments...
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Feature article – Regaining independence in API production: A chance for European CDMOs

Roger-Marc Nicoud, CEO of Ypso-Facto, looks at the challenges and opportunities for CDMOs in the current crisis
The current crisis has highlighted the dependence of European and, indeed, North American countries on delocalised production. This is the case for many goods, including APIs and drugs in general. The opportunity is now there for European CDMOs to...
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Ypso-Facto, Your Process Secured and Optimized... it’s a Fact

Product Focus - Chimica Oggi - Chemistry Today customer’s publication
ABOUT YPSO-FACTO Ypso-Facto is a company helping industrial firms to develop, optimize and secure their chemical and bio-processes.  We commit to keeping our interests aligned with the ones of our customers. For this reason, we remain deliberately...
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Digitalization for CDMOs: thinking outside the silos!

Panel discussion on custom synthesis and contract manufacturing, Chemistry Today, vol 37(4)
Marc-Olivier Simon and Moïse Bitton discuss the needs of CDMOs in terms of digitalization of their activities and the tools available on the market (ELN, LIMS, LES, SDMS, KM, QMS, MES etc.). While (Big) Pharmas have embraced digitalization, CDMOs...
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Modern Simulation Tools: Expanding Applications

A Chemical Engineering article featuring Ypso-Facto
New user-friendly solutions help chemical processors tackle tasks beyond design and optimization Initially, steady-state simulation was used in the chemical process industries (CPI) to design a plant or a process. Advances in the technology, along...
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A new era in life sciences software

Ypso-Facto's view on the digitalization of process design
Life sciences industries still use outdated tools and methodologies to develop, optimise and operate their (bio)molecule production processes. Ypso-Facto proposes to take a fresh look at the needs and expectations of this sector. Read the full article...
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Panel discussion on flow chemistry

The insights of Marc-Olivier Simon in Chemistry Today
"By adopting chemical engineering good practices earlier in process development, a major step forward would be taken" Read the full panel discussion in  Chemistry Today , vol. 36 (3), 2018, pp 26-34
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Streamlining process development with simulation software tools

Interview of Roger-Marc Nicoud in Chemistry Today
Nowadays process development is generally experiment-based with a traditional trial-and-error approach, direct scale-up and simple use of statistical tools. We are convinced that the fine chemical and biochemical industries will evolve towards more digitally...
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Appréhender la conception du procédé dans sa globalité pour développer de meilleures solutions (French)

Interview of Roger-Marc Nicoud - Infochimie Magazine
Créée en 2014, Ypso-Facto aide les industriels de la chimie et des biotechnologies à développer, sécuriser et optimiser leurs procédés. Elle s’appuie sur une équipe disposant d’une forte expérience à la fois industrielle et universitaire...
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Entrepreneurship, Lessons Learned, and Bioindustry Perspectives

An Interview with Roger-Marc Nicoud
Roger-Marc Nicoud received his PhD from the University of Lorraine in process simulation for the nuclear industry. He joined Separex in 1987, first as a technical director and then as a managing director until 1995. Between 1993 and 1995, he also worked...
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Ypso-Facto is a service company helping industrial firms to develop, optimize and secure their chemical processes and bioprocesses.

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