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Case studies & Application Notes

Application Note: Prediction of the impact of buffer type with mechanistic simulation

Application to protein purification by IEX chromatography
The proper selection of buffers is essential in the design of ion exchange processes. It was reported that at a given pH and ionic strength, a change in the type of buffer (e.g., acetate to phosphate) may have a dramatic impact on protein separation...
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Reduced experimental work by 4 compared to DoE for an oligonucleotide ion exchange process

Customer Success Story from GSK
" GSK Engaged Ypso-Facto’s expertise, their Ypso-Ionic software and GPX approach to develop a mechanistic model of a complex ion-exchange purification process.    Compared with the classical statistical DoE approach, only 25% of the experimental...
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Doubled productivity of a multi-column ion exchange chromatographic process with increased purity

Customer Success Story from Aker BioMarine
About the optimization of a multi-column Ion Exchange system :   « In combination with AKBM “user-knowledge” and intuition, Ypso-Facto used experimental laboratory- and production-data and made simulation-models with the software...
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Case studies & Application Notes

Application Note: Comparison of single column and MCSGP processes with mechanistic simulation

Application to oligonucleotides purification by ion exchange chromatography
The Multicolumn Countercurrent Solvent Gradient Purification (MCSGP) process is a strong possible alternative to single-column chromatography for improving chromatographic process performances. Mechanistic simulations can provide an independent opinion...
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Case studies & Application Notes

Application Note: Prediction of an oligonucleotide purification by IEX thanks to simulation and mechanistic modeling

Impact of key operating parameters in a complex process
Designing a chromatographic process requires selecting numerous operating parameters (column dimensions, number of steps, step duration, buffer type, eluent pH, flowrates, gradient slope…) There is a high interest in using predictive simulation...
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Getting your process up to speed with digital tools; purification of oligonucleotides by ion exchange chromatography

Presented by Kilian Kobl and illustrated with real-world examples from AstraZeneca and GSK
Oligonucleotides have emerged as a promising class of pharmaceuticals, leading to a drastically increasing demand. Like peptides, they are typically produced by solid phase synthesis and then purified by reverse-phase chromatography and increasingly...
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Modeling and simulation of ion-exchange in bioprocesses - illustrations from industrial biotech to biopharma

Presented by Yohann Le Guennec
Ion-exchange chromatography is based on the differences in terms of electrostatic interactions of molecules regarding an adsorbent. Nowadays, industrial processes based on ion-exchange chromatography can be found in many different sectors from the food...
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Application of ion-exchange to the purification of multivalent isomers: modeling and simulation

Presented by Lucrèce Nicoud
Ion exchange has been extensively used for many purposes in the medical and pharmaceutical industries over the years. This webinar will present an industrial case study, namely the purification of an amino-glycoside antibiotic produced by fermentation...
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Antibiotics purification by ion-exchange

The power of mechanistic modeling and predictive simulation
  Sometimes you have to change a raw material for various reasons (lack of availability, economic pressure, find alternative sustainable raw material), but this little change can impact significantly your process. In the below article, you’ll...
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NEW ARTICLE – Fareva and Ypso-Facto investigate the purification of an antibiotic by ion-exchange

Using Mechanistic Modeling for Understanding Antibiotics Purification with Ion Exchange Chromatography
This article is based on a real industrial purification process by Fareva and highlights the power of mechanistic modeling for process development: Our client needed to change a raw material to secure his supply chain. From a process point of...
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Understanding ion-exchange chromatography to design efficient processes with a predictive approach

IEX webinar
Ion-exchange chromatography is certainly the most ancient type of chromatography. While M. Tswett is often credited with the paternity of chromatography, the first traces of the use of ion-exchange chromatography date back to Ancient Egypt where it was...
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Oligonucleotide Purification by Ion Exchange Chromatography : Step-by-Step Guide to Process Understanding, Modeling, and Simulation

Published in OPRD in collaboration with GSK, AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson
  Check out  Ypso-Facto's new publication  on oligonuclotide purification by Ion Exchange Chromatography in collaboration with GSK , Astrazeneca and Johnson & Johnson . ABSTRACT Oligonucleotides have emerged as a promising class of...
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Sanofi's experience with mechanistic modeling and Ypso-Ionic

Mechanistic models offer a robust alternative to traditional statistical methods because they require fewer experimental data and provide superior predictive capabilities, even outside of the conditions studied experimentally. We have implemented...
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