Three Benefits of Mechanistic Modeling For Chromatographic Process Development
Optimizing chromatographic processes can be achieved by employing mechanistic modeling, with the following benefits:
- Increase Process Understanding
Get to the core of chromatography with mechanistic modeling. The combination of well targeted experiments with mechanistic simulations sheds light on the physical phenomena underlying the separation process and provides fundamental insights that help rationalizing observations and speed-up troubleshooting.
- Predict the Impact of Key Operating Parameters
Mechanistic models allow for the virtual experimentation of different operating conditions without the need for extensive lab experiments. Simulations can be automated to test numerous conditions, quantify the impact of Materials Attributes and Process Parameters on Key Performances Indicators like purity and yield, and in turn determine the Design Space.
- Explore innovative processes
Mechanistic modeling allows thinking “outside the box" and testing innovative processes. Simulation is for instance very valuable to quantify the potential benefits of multicolumn processes and can provide a platform of which to make informed decisions prior investing.
If you are interested in optimizing your processes using mechanistic modeling, the Ypso-Ionic software might be the answer.