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Ypso-Ionic® - what our users say!

"This tool makes it easy to calculate the distribution of eluates… when preparing a buffer, it makes it possible to calculate the pH in advance and check for errors."

  • by Ypso-Facto
  • June 28, 2022
Ypso-Ionic® - what our users say!

Ypso-Ionic® is a software solution for designing chromatographic processes. It maximizes the value of experimental data and makes predictive simulation a game changer.

But the best people to talk about it... are our customers! Check out the feedback!

"Ypso-Facto® have developed a unique modelling/simulation environment, via its Ypso-Ionic® software package that has proved its value to us both in successful separation process development and in application to business-critical problems"

Dr Paul O’Shaughnessy - Senior Principal Scientist – Johnson Matthey Technology Centre - Johnson Matthey

We estimate that the tool saves technicianexecutive time by around 10% over a week and standardizes the visualization of activities between people.” (1) 

"We are using the DSP software tool Ypso-Ionic® in the Calipso project at Sanofi. This tool is very user-oriented and facilitates visualization and analysis. For example, this tool makes it easy to calculate the distribution of eluates… when preparing a buffer, it makes it possible to calculate the pH in advance and check for errors." 

Eric Calvosa - Project Coordinator Calipso - Global bioprocess expert – Sanofi

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Ypso-Facto is a service company helping industrial firms to develop, optimize and secure their chemical processes and bioprocesses.

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