Case Study: Removal of an odorous molecule in a cosmetic product
Process simulations using mechanistic modeling
- Cosmetic active ingredient manufacturing process
- More stringent specifications in terms of the residual concentration of an odorous co-product
Identification of relevant technologies for the removal of the odorous co-product
Support of the customer for the completion of an experimental program
Process simulations using mechanistic modelling
Contact us to discuss your own challenges!
Ypso-Facto has been helping Pharmaceutical and Biopharmaceutical companies optimize their processes since 2014. We offer technology enabled services and proprietary software to solve some of our industries biggest challenges : make (bio)pharmaceutical processes safer, more cost efficient, and environmentally friendly.
We have a unique approach based on technologies which can combine multiple dimensions:
- The educated guess or expertise of the experts, which we call G
- The use and contextualization of experimental data, which we call X
- And the predictive simulation based on mechanistic modelling, which we call P.
Depending on your product and process, we have mechanistic models that we can use, or we can work with your experimental data to build one. Altogether, that is our unique GPX approach.
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