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Doubled productivity of a multi-column ion exchange chromatographic process with increased purity

Customer Success Story from Aker BioMarine

  • by Ypso-Facto
  • October 26, 2023
Doubled productivity of a multi-column ion exchange chromatographic process with increased purity

About the optimization of a multi-column Ion Exchange system: 

« In combination with AKBM “user-knowledge” and intuition, Ypso-Facto used experimental laboratory- and production-data and made simulation-models with the software “Ypso-Ionic”. With this GPX approach, Ypso-Facto identified the root cause of AKBM’s problem,  supported AKBM in resolving these and as a consequence doubled our productivity and enhanced product purity. » 


About the improvement of a complex production plant: 

« AKBM has also has had a successful collaboration with Ypso-Facto related to the software “Proxima”. AKBM has used “Proxima” along with Ypso-Facto experts’ support to exploit AKBM experimental data in a structured and collaborative way. AKBM were able to analyze the performance of a complex production-plant including 12 unit-operations. This work allowed AKBM to identify bottlenecks and do an economic evaluation (Opex) of our process. » 


Marion MASCHERIN, Chemical Engineer, Aker BioMarine  

Svein Ivar HOLM, Senior Lead Design Engineer, Aker BioMarine 


For more insights on our Proxima software, consult this informative article:

Ypso-Facto is a service company helping industrial firms to develop, optimize and secure their chemical processes and bioprocesses.

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